Angel Coria & Anna Yarigo

Angel Coria is one of the best teachers of our time.

The walking history of Argentine tango.

Choreographer, world-class dancer, permanent judge at Argentine tango championships. He is a true treasure of knowledge and experience, with great inspiration to share his tango with all his students. With more than 30 years of teaching experience, he has developed a unique teaching methodology that is easily adapted for each student.

Anna Yarigo has been teaching tango all over the world for the last 17 years.

Her group lesson are both serious and hilarious. She is charming and precise.
In the class she focuses on students needs how to make there Tango easier and more interesting. She has a good eye on details and can «fix» you just in a second. He dancing is very powerful and dynamic, full of feelings and emotions with a high level of technique and unique interpretation of the music

Together with Angel they create an incredible energy and fun during the class and what do they do on the dance floor?! You must see it and feel it!

23 – 30 September 2024 

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